Life and where it’s taking me

18 Aug

Hello all you beautiful people! So as I have mentioned before, I have many things going on in my life (good things). My newest and biggest venture has been that I am now a student! I am attending school online with IADT and I’m aspiring towards my B.S. in Web Design and Development. I never ever thought I would be interested in going to college but for the past year I have had this desire to learn more and more! So I decided to take a huge leap of faith and attend school and I am glad that I did!

The direction of Mama A La Mode will be slightly shifting and adjusting into a new birth! I am trying to immerse myself in as much design, computer, networking, marketing education as possible, but at the same time keep the balance of God, Family, Church, Work and friends in my life. I’m so excited to see where this journey takes me and all the key people in my life:)

It’s times like this in my life when I take a move into a new direction that the reality of my mother not being here, really hits me and brings tears to my eyes. When I take a step back and look at myself from an outside perspective I see my mother. I wish she were here with me, she was so the bomb at doing anything she put her mind to! It’s thoughts like this that make me truly thankful for all the wonderful family and friends I have.

So as some of you may know I “Do” many things, so my hope is to inspire each and everyone of my readers to LOVE Life no matter what types of challenges come your way… Change and adjust… it’s gonna be ok!

To all the special people in my life… If I haven’t told you lately… I LOVE YOU

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