Tag Archives: fitness

So I’m kind of on this health kick…

16 Jul

I say kind of, just because I am not a dieter and never have been. I am trying to be more conscious of what food I put in and what exercises I put out!

I love good food but I also love to have treats! Don’t you?

I have decided that I will not share my weight and fitness goals because I hate when people tell me “oh… you have nothing to lose!” You can’t say that because you don’t live in my body and you don’t know what’s comfortable for my body! For example: If someone of much larger size then me were to say “I feel very comfortable with my body type the way it is!” Then I would say “great!”, who am I to say that I think they need to lose more weight?

I have my fitness goals that I have set for myself for a specific purpose of getting into a healthy routine and preparing myself for the future and older age. I don’t want to wait till I’m 40 and say “I’m not happy with my body and my health.” As we all know, starting a new exercise or routine at an older age is very hard to do!

So I am ending on this note. If you are out there and trying to better yourself in one way or another, I commend you and wish you the best in YOUR endeavor!

Don’t forget to leave your comments and/or thoughts!